feedback concept

Giving feedback

Giving feedback like a pro Saturday nights in winter, full of sequins sparkling and the comments flying as celebrities dance in front of an audience of millions with the confidence of a pro. A real example how quality feedback (and help from the costumes) can result in significant performance improvement.   Here are some of…


Meeting skills

Make your meetings more productive Was the first formal meeting held around a campfire in the African Savannahs to decide the homo sapiens’s relocation policy? Probably. We have progressed from this first imaginary meeting to research from a European survey of 2,000 employees in the UK, France and Germany which found the typical staff member…

change concept

Making change happen

Making change management easier Leading significant change was around prior to BREXIT (apologies but had to incorporate the word somewhere). Our political leaders might not be good role models, but as business leaders we know the importance of working with our teams to understand why the change is happening, and how the change will take…

difficult conversations concept

Having difficult conversations

Say what you mean and mean what you say Meeting with colleagues to tell them you are not happy with a serious “something” is amongst the most problematic. It’s easy to talk ourselves out of having the conversation – but not tackling significant performance issues will backfire in the long run. These 5 steps will…